About Us
Trading company Centralfarm doo is a wholesaler of veterinary drugs that imports, distributes and
trades veterinary drugs and medical devices for veterinary use, as well as vitamins, food supplements,
food and animal care products.
Centralfarm doo was founded in January 2014. and for a short period of business has managed to
achieve successful cooperation with leading companies in the domestic and foreign markets. We are
representatives and distributors of companies: MPA Veterinary Medicines and Additives – Spain;
Super’s Diana S.L. – Spain; Biofaktor Sp. z.o.o. – Poland , Chanelle Pharameutical
Manufacturing L.T.D.- Ireland; Inserbo S.L.- Spain, Intemag Sp. z.o.o. – Poland, Polysem-IMV
Technologies- France i Bioguard Corporation – Taiwan.
We place our products on the entire territory of Serbia and offer our customers a wide range
of different products for large and small animals.
We have our own warehouse and office space based in Meljak, at the exit from Belgrade, on
the Ibar highway.

Centralfarm is focused on continuous training of professional staff and monitoring of
inovations in the field of veterinary medicine and pharmacy, by including newer generation
drugs in its range, all in order to satisfy the interests of existing and find new customers.
Satisfied customers are our biggest motivation!
If you are interested in ordering our products you can do so by calling
Tel/Fax: 011/787-10-44
Mob: 065/83-12-780
Mob: 064/33-83-087
Mob: 064/33-83-087
Mob: 064/41-46-640
or through our online store by clicking on the link below.